Fake It Till You Make It?
Have you heard the saying ‘fake it till you make it’?
Fake it till you make it is advice often given to entrepreneurs, start-ups and small businesses to pretend they are more successful than they really are. The internet seems to only be interested in the success stories, the overnight wonders, and those making the big bucks.
The truth is most overnight success stories have taken years to get where they are. Very few ‘overnight successes’ just magically arrive, and once some of them do, they can still crash. An example of this was Shoes of Prey who, after huge success in the US and investment dollars to the tune of approx. US$29.5 million, (which I have read won’t be recovered), collapsed in March 2019.
The world seems to be full of fake news, bad news, hard luck stories, people experiencing tough times, huge corporations like our banks and insurance companies ruining people’s lives all in the name of profit, and the list goes on.
People don’t want more ‘fake’. Your clients and customers want real. They want authenticity, integrity and connection.
1. No one said you have to be an expert
People want to do business with someone they like and relate to not someone faking it. Don’t pretend to be more successful or making more money than you are because everyone starts somewhere. You can still lead and help your clients/customers as you take them along on your journey. There’s no shame in admitting you don’t know something and finding out. Big corporations have teams of people with different skill sets to plug all the holes. You can’t compete with that if you are an entrepreneur or small business. Everyone makes mistakes. If you do make a mistake just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and keep going. Admit to your mistakes and learn from them.
2. Tell your story
Great marketing these days is all about the storytelling and you should weave yours into your brand. That’s how others will relate to you. How did you get started? Why did you start your business? What drives you and makes you passionate? Your personality will attract your tribe and connect you to them. We are all seeking the same thing no matter what race or religion. It’s hard to use authentic storytelling if you are faking it.
3. Be confident
Portraying more confidence than you may have is not the same as faking it. Hold your head high and put a smile on your face (it’s a quick fix if you are shy or introverted). Eat well, exercise and look after yourself. Have a few items in your wardrobe that you love and make you feel a million dollars. These things may seem silly but they definitely help the confidence levels. If you feel your best, you will be your best.
4. Focus on your strengths
We all have strengths and you don’t need to fake some to impress others. Spend some time working out what you are good at and love doing. These days with all the virtual help online, it’s easy and cheap to get help where you need it.
5. Be prepared
There is no luck. You need to learn as much as you can as quickly as you can, so you can be ready when opportunities come up. Have you heard the saying, Seize the Day? Well get up every day and seize the day. Work hard and be ready for anything. Being prepared will help your authentic confidence levels.
So, should you fake it till you make it? I don’t think so. You just need to believe in yourself and your dreams and goals. It can be scary jumping into a business or being an entrepreneur because of the huge unknown. But, my advice is never fake it till you make it. Most people will see through the hype if you are faking it and then you will have zero credibility.
‘Believe in yourself and you will be unstoppable.’‘
I’d love to hear your thoughts on faking it till you make it. Do you think it’s a good idea or a bad one?
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Judith Shuttleworth

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